He Pūrongo Pūtea

Finances at a Glance

The year has been one of economic challenges and financial pressures and this is reflected in the financial results of Greater Wellington. Summary highlights from the year include:

  • We received an AA+ credit rating with Standard & Poor’s, which indicates a very strong capacity to meet financial commitments, and good financial health overall.
  • The cost of delivering all our services amounted to $7.9 dollars per rating unit per day.
  • Our total assets held this year were worth $2.57 billion.

Greater Wellington’s revenue is sourced primarily through rates and grants from central government. Other revenue sources include water supply levy, fees, charges, including public transport fares, and investment income. 

  • Our annual revenue from rates this year was $211.9 million, compared to $180 million in the prior year.
  • Revenue from grants and other sources was $355.6 million, compared to $348.9 million in the prior year.

Financial overview

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Greater Wellington’s revenue is sourced primarily through rates and grants from central government. Other revenue sources include water supply levy, fees, charges and investment income.


Investment Revenue: $23.1M; Water Supply Levy: $53.1M; Other Revenue: $98.2M; Rates: $211.9M; Grants and Subsidies: $181.2M

Operational expenditure

Greater Wellington’s operational expenditure across the four LTP Activity Groups.

Operational expenditure by Activity Group

Operational Expenditure by Activity Group: Water Supply $50.3M; Regional Strategy and Partnerships $38.8M; Metlink Public Transport $340.8M; Environment and Flood Protection $111.8M

Capital expenditure

Greater Wellington’s capital expenditure highlights infrastructure investment in public transport, flood protection, water supply and parks and forests.

Capital expenditure by Activity Group

Capital Expenditure by Activity Group: Water Supply $101.1M; Regional Strategy and Partnerships $0.1M; Metlink Public Transport $31.2M; Environment and Flood Protection $43.6M

Property, plant, and equipment

Greater Wellington’s asset base comprising public transport, flood protection, water supply and  parks. Public transport includes $486.3m of rail  rolling stock and railway station infrastructure  owned by Greater Wellington Rail Limited, a  Council subsidiary.

Property, plant, and equipment asset value by Activity Group

Property plant and equipment asset value by Activity Group: Other Assets $105.9M, Water Supply $741.7M, Metlink $571.4M, Environment and Flood Protection $807.5M

Total expenditure

Greater Wellington’s total expenditure (operational plus capital) by Activity Group.

Total expenditure by Activity Group

Total expenditure by Activity Group: Water Supply $151.4M, Regional Strategy and Partnerships 38.9M, Metlink 372.0M, Environment and Flood Protection $155.4M

Full details on our financial service performance information can be found in Wāhanga tuatoru: He pūrongo pūtea | Section three: Financial performance of the full 2023/24 Annual Report.

Updated 26 November 2024 at 16:00