The year has been one of economic challenges and financial pressures and this is reflected in the financial results of Greater Wellington. Summary highlights from the year include:
Greater Wellington’s revenue is sourced primarily through rates and grants from central government. Other revenue sources include water supply levy, fees, charges, including public transport fares, and investment income.
Greater Wellington’s revenue is sourced primarily through rates and grants from central government. Other revenue sources include water supply levy, fees, charges and investment income.
Greater Wellington’s operational expenditure across the four LTP Activity Groups.
Greater Wellington’s capital expenditure highlights infrastructure investment in public transport, flood protection, water supply and parks and forests.
Greater Wellington’s asset base comprising public transport, flood protection, water supply and parks. Public transport includes $486.3m of rail rolling stock and railway station infrastructure owned by Greater Wellington Rail Limited, a Council subsidiary.
Greater Wellington’s total expenditure (operational plus capital) by Activity Group.
Full details on our financial service performance information can be found in Wāhanga tuatoru: He pūrongo pūtea | Section three: Financial performance of the full 2023/24 Annual Report.
date_range Published 26 Nov 2024
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