Financial Summary including key disclosure statements

Summary Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense

For the year ended 30 June 2024

  Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Restated Actual
Greater Wellington Group
Greater Wellington Group
Restated Actual
Operating revenue and gains 565,362 580,142 531,625 674,669 631,580
Finance expenses (52,039) (41,566) (35,832)  (51,861) (35,549)
Operating expenditure (561,517)  (542,131)  (488,434)  (689,624) (612,111)
Operating surplus / (deficit) before other items and tax (48,194) (3,555) 7,359 (66,816) (16,080)
Share of associate’s surplus/(deficit) - - - 1,967 1,249
Impairment on buildings - - (27,831) - (27,831)
Fair value - Other assets - - - - -
Fair value gains/(losses) on financial instruments (2,065)  (7,030) 14,361 (2,065) 14,361
Fair value gain/(loss) on investment property - - - 10,525 (1,509)
Tax on continuing operations - - - 5,235 8,821
Operating surplus / (deficit) after tax (50,259) (10,585) (6,111) (51,154) (20,989)
Other comprehensive revenue and expenses          
Increases / (decreases) in revaluations 196,053 47,260 (41,690) 204,807 (42,564)
Total comprehensive revenue and expense  145,794 36,675 (47,801) 153,653 (63,553)
Attributable to:          
Equity holders of the Parent 145,794 36,675 (47,801)  145,665 (67,904)
Non-controlling interest 7,988 4,351
  145,794 36,675 (47,801) 153,653 (63,553)

See Note 35 of the full Annual Report for details on the restated 2023 actual figures.

Summary statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 30 June 2024

  Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Restated Actual
Greater Wellington Group
Greater Wellington Group
Restated Actual
Opening equity 1,258,078 1,310,469 1,305,879 1,779,550 1,844,488
Operating surplus /(deficit) after tax (50,259) (10,586)  (6,111) (51,154) (20,989)
Dividend to non-controlling interest   (1,615) (1,385)
Asset revaluation movements 193,709 47,260 (30,719) 202,463 (31,593)
Revaluation movement of other financial assets 2,344 - (10,971) 2,344 (10,971)
Total closing equity at 30 June 1,403,872 1,347,143 1,258,078 1,931,588 1,779,550
Attributable to:          
Equity holders of the Parent 1,403,872 1,347,143 1,258,078 1,815,610 1,669,945
Non-controlling interest - - - 115,978 109,605
  1,403,872 1,347,143 1,258,078 1,931,588 1,779,550

Summary statement of Financial Position 

As at 30 June 2024

  Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Restated Actual
Greater Wellington Group
Greater Wellington Group
Restated Actual
Current assets 393,445 297,222 277,786 446,106 406,896
Non-current assets 2,175,718 2,125,487 1,882,446 2,806,488 2,413,379
Total assets 2,569,163 2,422,709 2,160,232 3,252,594 2,820,275
Current liabilities 306,267 285,649 256,631 337,576 264,031
Non-current liabilities 859,024 789,917 645,521 983,430 776,694
Total liabilities 1,165,291 1,075,566 902,152 1,321,006 1,040,725
Net assets 1,403,872 1,347,143 1,258,078 1,931,588 1,779,550
Equity attributed to:          
Retained earnings 290,290 320,627 340,107 655,025 696,804
Other reserves 1,113,582 1,026,516 917,971 1,160,585 973,141
Minority interest - - - 115,978 109,605
Total equity 1,403,872 1,347,143 1,258,078 1,931,588 1,779,550

See Note 35 of the full Annual Report for details on the restated 2023 actual figures.

Summary statement of Cash-Flow 

For the year ended 30 June 2024

  Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington
Greater Wellington Group
Greater Wellington Group
Cashflows from operating activities (48,797)  29,501 68,783 (30,233) 88,514
Cashflows from investing activities (220,476) (211,768) (205,470) (271,585) (251,810)
Cashflows from financing activities 270,614 179,305 137,413 268,999 137,028
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,341 (2,962) 726 (32,819) (26,268)
Opening cash equivalents 17,243 23,804 16,517 131,873 158,141
Closing cash equivalents 18,584 20,842 17,243 99,053 131,873

Major variances between actual and budget

  • Grants and subsidies revenue is significantly higher than budget mainly due to lower passenger revenue collection which results in an increased grants and subsidies to be claimed from Waka Kotahi due to higher net cost incurred.
  • Other revenue is lower than budget mainly due to lower patronage levels from increase working from home practises post covid. Budget amounts were set pre Covid in 2020.
  • Finance costs are significantly higher than budget due to rising interest costs. 
  • Grants and subsidies expenditure exceeds the budget due to CPI indexation on bus and rail contracts, driven by the higher inflation rate.
  • Other expenditure is over budget mainly due to a change in accounting treatment of Floodplain Management costs and asset impairment loss across Environment and Water group not budgeted for.
  • Total assets are significantly higher than budget mainly due to surplus funds being invested in maturities not exceeding twelve months. The non-current assets balance is significantly higher than budget mainly due to the revaluation of the flood protection assets being higher than budgeted offset by lower actual capital expenditure.
  • Ratepayers equity is higher than the budget mainly due to the revaluation of the flood protection assets being higher than budgeted offset by the increased deficit for the year.
  • Total liabilities are significantly higher than budget mainly due to the timing of raising more short term and long term debt as compared to budget.

Local Water Done Well Legislation

In December 2023, the Government announced a new strategy for the management and delivery of local water services - encompassing drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater – under the initiative titled “Local Water Done Well”. This legislation, passed on 2 September 2024, establishes the Local Water Done Well framework and outlines the initial steps for a revamped new water services system. It introduces a fresh approach to managing and delivering water services, utilising financially sustainable models that meet regulatory requirements. Greater Wellington is now working on developing a water service delivery plan in response to this new Government policy.

No dividend was declared post balance date by WRC Holdings (2023: Nil).

There were no other subsequent events up to the date of these financial statements which would affect the amounts or disclosures in the financial statements.

Updated 26 November 2024 at 16:00